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Please stop lying by Jay Knott (01/22/10)       ⇌ (The Mass Psychology Pamphlet)       

Picture: feminists 'confront' a Pacifica speaker, who tries
to calm things down by saying "you're not ugly"

Naturally, these professional victims claimed he was advocating rape. None of the women in the photo, apart from the one with the 'hate speech' banner, are ugly - with a bit more effort, some of them could be quite good-looking - but, as feminists, they don't believe in trying to look good.

Kindly Eschew Terminological Inexactitudes

In the campaign against the Pacifica Forum free speech group, Eugene's Anti-Hate Task Force claims it are just trying to make the Pacifica Forum pay for rooms, or that it's a 'safety' issue, not about freedom. It IS about freedom of speech. Its supporters shout down Pacifica speakers shouting "Fuck Freedom of Speech!".

One of its supporters writes, on a Facebook page accessible to the whole world: 

      "Violence has been incited and individuals have been both explicitly threatened and harassed. Those stories were shared during a personal testimony period in the Senate meeting last night and several Senators were moved to tears. Violence is happening--its just that the majority of the student body isn't aware of it...but they also weren't aware of the Forum's existence until very recently even though they've been here for years"...

A long-time Pacifica Forum regular communicated respectfully to you, Facebook girl, on this site, after you banned her from yours...

      "You don't know who it is you are working for, via your well-meaning efforts. You're on the wrong side. Always happy to offer clarity...."

But you haven't responded. Perhaps you believe the author is a helpless woman, programmed to passively channel an agenda. Not at all like you...

Talking of passivity, do you know what the 'passive voice' is? Do you know what happened to president Nixon when he tried to use it to avoid responsibility?

     'Violence has been incited'... 'individuals have been threatened'... 'violence is happening'...
Despite the passive voice, these are serious charges. But the only examples of violence being incited and individuals being threatened have been by anti-fascists against friends of Pacifica Forum. They sent a threatening letter to someone's home. They published statements on the internet threatening to beat people unconscious. They wrote graffiti that someone is a Nazi, and produced stickers stating "Wake up Nazi, it's time to die" (actually, the guy's a leftist). If you have concrete examples of threats from the people at Pacifica, bring charges. You don't, do you? It's not true, is it? 

You can still change. Admit you were wrong. Ask the Forum if you can talk to them. And stop lying...

      'The reason we are protesting is entirely due to safety reasons. They have openly and explicitly threatened students, harassed students, and they have brought in NSM members who have openly attacked people.'

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Reply to a Facebook Anti-Pacifica Student (03/14/10) by Jay Knott: There is no point in replying on the Facebook anti-Pacifica page, because it will get deleted by The Valley Girl Whose Name We Must Not Mention Because She Feels Threatened. One of her fellow People Against the Pacifica Forum...

Do you feel comfortable invading Poland? (03/03/10) by Jay Knott: A more recent comment in the Student Insurgent says of Pacifica Forum "members have invited neo-nazis and targeted groups are made to feel insecure. Their presence contributed to the environment where a someone felt comfortable...

Why this post was edited (03/03/10) by Jay Knott:

This post was changed because someone requested that we not mention names. We listen. It will be a fine day when our political opponents are as principled as we are.