Do you feel comfortable invading Poland? by Jay Knott (03/03/10)       ⇌ (The Mass Psychology Pamphlet)       

A more recent comment in the Student Insurgent says of Pacifica Forum "members have invited neo-nazis and targeted groups are made to feel insecure. Their presence contributed to the environment where a someone felt comfortable spray painting a swastika in the LGBTQA office". This is an odd way of accusing Pacifica Forum attendees of hate crimes. The phrase 'feel comfortable' is common in the pc left - it is part of 'feelings' politics, where truth can be derived from how someone feels about something. But to accuse alleged fascists of the same sin seems incongruous. Can you imagine a group of skinheads discussing a putative hate crime as follows: "Hey, do you feel comfortable about breaking into the LBGTQA center and painting a swastika on the carpet"? Imagine if the Third Reich had been run like that. "The Fuhrer would like to know if you feel comfortable about invading Poland".

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