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Zionist actions accross Oregon campuses. by universalhumanrights (02/05/10)       ⇌ (Zionist actions on Oregon campuses)       

Just a post to connect a few dots.  In the fall of 2009 while attacks on the Pacifica forum continued, wierd psyop events were happening at Lewis and Clark College and Reed College in Portland.  Specifically, early in the fall term a Reed student alternate paper the "Pamphlette" published a farcical article about European Jews, this produced an outraged response in the student newspaper the "Quest", the Pamphlette followed up by actually escalating the controversy and dragging Lewis and Clark College into it.  In October 2009 the Pamphlette ran the headline "LC Students Kill Jewish People".  Next thing you know, a "swastika" is found in a stall of the second floor of the Lewis and Clark Library mens bathroom.  This provokes forums, articles in the Pioneer Log, hand wringing etc..  These (Manufactured?) scandals go on for the entire fall term on both campuses.  Noticably absent on both campuses were any efforts at Palestinian Solidarity which had actually gained some traction in the past (Reed College hosted a Free Gaza event raising money to break the blockade against Gaza, the very ship that Cynthia McKinney was on when she was put in an Israili jail.).  Now there is more breaking news this time at PSU.  Portland State University has been an interesting place regarding Palistinian Solidarity Work.  On one hand, many Muslim students attend including Palistinians who have literally felt the boot of Israili aparthied.  Recently there have been events including raising money to send to PSU students on the Free Gaza Convoy, that was by and large stopped at the Egyption Gaza border by the Aparthied state and its supporters (the US and Mubarik, dictator of Egypt.)  There has been absolutely no Portland mainstream coverage of this and absolutely no coverage by even one of the three PSU student publications.  Now just this week, (first week of Febuary 2010) news has broken in the PSU Vanguard http://www.dailyvanguard.com/professor-banned-from-teaching-following-verbal-confrontation-1.2138623 about a well respected 25 year veteran professor, accusing a student of being an Israili agent, whom had access to guns and this professor feared was soon to do violence (terrorism)  The professor has been suspended, the "student" now has a fancy lawyer.  The student admitted being a sniper with the Israili army, but said he didn't work for the FBI.  The Vanguard is totally spinning the story to make the professor look crazy, no other media has picked up the story as of now.(2/5/2010)  I bring these things up because I sense a pattern that is unfortunately being coordinated.  I fear for more false flags and in the end all freedom loving people are "Gazan".  We must prepare for even greater assualts, and not take the bait of hating Muslims, Arabs, Iranians, Jews, Palestibnians, Christians or any group for who they are rather than what they do.  "Know them by their fruits".


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More fake hate crimes (03/27/10) by Jay Knott:
