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Wikileaks spreads disinformation on Afghanistan by Jay Knott (07/26/10)       ⇌ (War crimes)       

Wikileaks has published tens of thousands of 'intelligence' reports from Allied efforts in Afghanistan. Either 'military intelligence' really is an oxymoron, or the Pentagon deliberately released some of this information to deceive us. Bin Laden traveled to North Korea with some Iranian revolutionary guards? This sounds like propaganda, lumping all the 'bad guys' together. Remember they said Saddam Hussein was linked to bin Laden too.


One of the things which gives me some confidence in the Official Report on 9/11 is the struggle with political pressure the authors reveal. They were told to try to find links between AQ and the left-leaning Shi'ite party Hezbollah. The purpose of this pressure is obvious - it was to try to make Americans think Israel's opponents have some connection with America's. In fact, they are completely different. Even when it comes to islamic terrorism, Israel's and the USA's interests diverge. To its credit, the official committee commented it could find no evidence of this connection. I think this gives the lie to some of the more far-fetched theories about September 11th., and also shows the US establishment isn't completely under the Zionist jackboot - it's more than a Lobby, but less than a ZOG!

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This release from Wikileaks should end the idea that it is pro-Israel (01/23/11) by Jay Knott:


Rap video, parodying US war criminals, starring Julian Assange (12/24/10) by Jay Knott: ...

Debate on whether Wikileaks is helping Israel (12/08/10) by Jay Knott:


Wikileaks: being harrassed by feminists in league with the CIA. Maybe. (08/31/10) by Jay Knott: I don't believe the Wikileaks Afghan story, but Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, is being subject to harrassment. This story, by Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett, is an attempt to explain why. Shamir is himself a...