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Report from Gaza by Jay Knott (01/16/09)       ⇌ (Hannukah Massacre)       



This report, from an Irish peace activist and medical volunteer, describes the horror of Gaza and the inspiring resistance of the community to the Israeli massacre.

Another particularly gruesome account: www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/growing-concern-over-israels-weapons-use-1514347.html

and another: www.antiwar.com/ips/cunningham.php?articleid=14121


"The spate of reports coming out of the Middle East in the past two weeks are signs of a coming danger greater than the region has known in its modern history. The Israeli onslaught on Gaza; the massacre of civilians; the strafing of hospitals, ambulances and medical staff; the vandalisation of Palestinian homes; the violent, racist graffiti scrawled on walls; the soldiers’ t-shirts patterned with graphics showing a pregnant Palestinian woman in the cross hairs of a rifle; the support by 85 per cent of the Israeli population for an attack on civilians which killed hundreds of children; the evidence of Israeli soldiers themselves of how civilians were murdered in cold blood; the march on Umm al Fahm by the followers of Meir Kahane, at the same time as Palestinian cultural festivals in Jerusalem were being prohibited; the choice of a settler racist as Israel’s Foreign Minister; the two-tier colonial society established on the West Bank, reminiscent of Algeria in the 19th century; the wall, the checkpoints, the closures, the daily humiliation, the seizure of land and demolition of homes; the continuing demographic war against the Palestinians in Jerusalem; the recent attack on Sudan by unknown planes said to have been Israeli; the wars of the past and now the preparations for an attack on Iran - what more evidence could anyone need of how utterly dangerous the state of Israel is to regional and global stability?"


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A good article about Israel's rejection of the UN report about Gaza (04/07/10) by Jay Knott:
