If you thought freedom of expression was under siege at U of Oregon... by Jay Knott (03/03/10) ⇌ (Zionist opposition to freedom of speech)
...try UC San Diego:
http://battlehate.ucsd.edu/ - hat-tip - Oregon Commentator
Pressure on blogger from black student activists
by Jay Knott:
http://abovethelaw.com/2010/04/hls-3ls-racist-email-goes-national/ |
And another...
by Jay Knott:
http://www.mercurynews.com/breaking-news/ci_14506773?nclick_check=1 |
Looks like yet another fake hate crime...
by Jay Knott:
As a minority student,,,"
"A student has come forward and admitted responsibility for this morning
Facebook page to defend UCSD students
by Jay Knott:
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=315581643721&ref=mf |