If Americans Knew thinks being denounced by the Anti Defamation League is to its credit by Jay Knott (10/23/13) ⇌ (The left's inadequacy versus Zionism)
I got an email from "If Americans Knew", an organization which campaigns to persuade Americans to stop supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. It is proud to be denounced by the ADL. It claims that
"It's one of the highest accolades truth-telling fighters against racism and bigotry could hope for. The Zio-cons of the ironically named "Anti-Defamation League" (ADL) have published a list of what the ADL considers to be the 10 'most influential and active anti-Israel groups' operating in the United States, the Times of Israel reports..."
Actually, no. If you look at the list of the top ten groups listed unfavorably by the ADL, you'll find, alongside "If Americans Knew", some of the clearest examples of pseudo-Palestinian solidarity organizations. For example, "Jewish Voice for Peace", which has a long history of trying to undermine Palestine solidarity. Recently, they tried to prevent Gilad Atzmon from speaking in Portland. "Code Pink" is another example of a Jewish-dominated leftist organization which spends more time purging the Palestine solidarity movement of "anti-semitism" than trying to ensure it is effective.
The ADL and other Jewish hate groups are more intelligent than "If Americans Knew" realizes. I explained this in my article about a talk given in Brooklyn by Judith Butler and Omar Barghouti. Hysterical denunciations from Zionists gave these thought-police credibility: The Benefits of pro-Israel Overkill. Being attacked by Zionists is not an honor.